Sunday, July 16, 2006


I started drawing again!
(I am quite the begginer.)
I am just starting on vanishing points and three dimension boxes and things.
It's a bit harder than I remember.
(since I was in high school)
The book I am reading for it is called "how to draw what you see".
It's a great book so far.
the author (Rudy De Reyna) also gives thier own opinions.
And I love opinions.
(I try at least)
And I have been writing with my left hand allot for the last 2 months now, and I am really getting allot better. Cursive is still quite the challenge though.
And I am not fast but again, I try.
I am reminded of the idea of "Do not try, just do."
And I try not to referance it in any sexual way.
and I try to really listen to myself and "just do it."
Like those awesome basketball players in the Nike commercial that can dunk those basketballs off of trampolines and such.
But god-damn.

great book.
And I am happy to be drawing again.

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