Sunday, October 29, 2006

Poem 102906

I am going to soar above you all.
And It will feel so good.
I will leave this place soon,
like I left my birth.
And you will scream and moan with pain.
And I will hold you and pat you on the back
and say "It's okay, don't worry."
Then I will know that you have been born again,
and one day you will grow more
and leave me too.
And I will wail and scream
until someone pats me on the back
and says "Don't worry, it's okay."
And just before I die,
I will be born again.
And we will soar together
like ribbons from a child's present
tusseling in the wind.
And we will land entangled
on a kwanzan cherry tree
until we have rotted away
from the screaming rain.
Copyright Chase Adams 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Something's in the wind...