Monday, August 21, 2006

Mama says a pistol is the devils right hand

Do you ever have one of those days where you keep messing up?
And not so much "oops, I dropped my pencil."
But more along the lines of "oops, I got my friend in trouble at work."
Or "Oops, I spilled an entire beer on your new white carpet for a very stupid reason."
Or "Woopsy, I accidently gave your number to a collection agency."
Though the agency was convincing.
That's no excuse.
I kind of think that it's my turn though,
I mean my turn for bad things to fall on me.
My mother is in a sling from her surgery on her dislocated shoulder,
My friend shattered his elbow saturday on his bike and I had to take care of him all day.
(He is sixty years old) Poor guy.
My Friend's long time girlfriend who he was living with decided to up and leave on saturday.

And I...screw up allot?
I am not sure if that fits completely within the puzzle,
But I am gonna go with it.

Well I don't want to bore you so Ill leave you with this quote:

"Competence Is What You Do When You Make a Mistake"
-Ronald A. Smith

1 comment:

Forrest said...

Honestly, I don't believe bad things have a time for people.. I view it more as you view yourself ready for more challenges in life.

I didn't know it when N broke up with me, but it was one of the best things that could have happened for me, at the time.