Friday, August 04, 2006

New kinds of food

I notice few things make me angry.
But when I am angry, I am in little control of my emotions.
I feel like Peter on family guy when he is on steroids
(suttle humor)
One thing that often gets my all wriled up is when I am unable to eat.
and finding food is really difficult.
But ever since I started my diet of 1000 cal. (out of 4000) a day of raw food,
I have been happier than ever!
When I am hungery I am not unhappy much at all.
In fact I feel very level in my emotions latley.
Everyday I eat:
500 cal. or olives, (organic is prefered)
160 cal. of almonds,
200 cal. of oat groats,
and some veggies and fruits to top it off.
I have been doing it for two weeks now,
and I hope it will last for years!
Next up:
2000 calories!


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