Sunday, January 28, 2007



As I stood and stared into the vastness of my silver framed stereo, which played nothing but my own unhealthy distrust, I had realized that I had been invisible. Or at least I was pretending to be. My phase in life had changed. I was no longer on a charging roll to meet my goals, but instead was depleting and returning to a degrading life, I was my own degrading life. I looked to my floor and saw a flood of misadventure trapping me and holding me down.
So I read this:
And have been breaking-through ever since.
My car is completely clean,
My room is no longer a mess,
I have been calling people that I have needed to call,
My diet is getting better again,
And I am starting to do more kicks in my room.
Now I just have to figure out what the hell I want to do with my life.
It’s still a complicated mechanical issue that constantly tries to get my attention.
But I am sure that I can dig myself out of this one too.


Kait said...

Moving forward is a great feeling isn't it? Just remember, there are many older people who still don't know what they want to do with their life, but they are perfectly happy. Good luck.

Forrest said...

Well, you could move to NY for a couple years and make beautiful music with me ;) We have an electric bass-guitar, now. :D

And I agree with teh I Ching

Peace-Keeper said...

Well you could join me and take over the world. I want to leave every thing the way it is; but cure world hunger and replace all other meats with fish and sushi. :)