Friday, July 21, 2006

Well I believe that I am on a critically insane level of, well, insanity.
I could not sleep a wink last night.
That never happens to me, If it did, I feel I would build a slight tolerance to insomnia.
But who knows, I've never frickin had it as a regular thing.
And this song kept bouncing in my head.
I would tell it to go away but then slowly...

Bum ti ti bum ti ti bum ti ti bum ti ti bum ti ti.

Then I would say "okay! okay! not this time, go away!"
I would try to listen to the fan blowing in my ear every 5 seconds as it turns.
But then it would come again...

Bum ti ti bum ti ti bum ti ti bum ti ti
bum ti ti.

As great of a song as it is.
I am reminded of a quote:
"For every hot girl out there,
Theres one guy tired of screwing her."

That's the same sort of gist. (sp?)

The song was (for the record)
The opening theme to the movie "RENT".
Goes something like:
"Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundered minutes.
How do you measure, measure a year."
Or some such thing.

Ahhh! It was extreme.

I felt like John Cusak in that movie "The sure thing" when he tries to talk the girl into helping with his homework at the swimming pool and eventually falling into the pool from fruseration in a spaztic movement.

And for some reason I have an awful head ache.
ewww And I feel my depersonalization creeping up on me very strongly.
Well I guess it can't creep up on me so much because I pretty much always have it.
But the volume is defenitly increasing.



Forrest said...

I feel just slightly insomnia ridden... even though it's eleven o' clock. We get up pretty early here. Insanity? I know 'im.

Syhalla said...

Crazy the kinds of people you run into out here in space. Come by and see me some time. Either here or there. You know how to find me.

Forrest said...

Lately, I've been having a very specific case of insomnia... I choose to go to bed late with G when she's doing homework (10pm to MTSers) and get up SUPER EARLY (that's 3am, to you) to start my day getting her out the door. I say: Looking foreward to your next post!